GAJK-001 A part-time job started to help a coffee shop familiar to school girls who are tied up and trained in the warehouse. Peaceful days that have changed from the training tools I have seen … Nana Maeno

Code: GAJK-001
Release date: 2022-07-09
Duration: 2 hour 15 minutes
Actor: Nana Maeno
GAJK-001 A part-time job started to help a coffee shop familiar to school girls who are tied up and trained in the warehouse. Peaceful days that have changed from the training tools I have seen … Nana Maeno

GAJK-001 A part-time job started to help a coffee shop familiar to school girls who are tied up and trained in the warehouse. Peaceful days that have changed from the training tools I have seen … Nana Maeno

Nana, a school girl who lives in a rural town. It was my daily routine to stop by a coffee shop that